Sunday, December 1, 2013

40's inspired braided headband hairstyle

There is no doubt that 40's were the time of stylish hairstyles. Actually, braided hairstyle is the thing I like the most about them. They are quite easy to make, but hair looks absolutely gorgeous and fashionable. For example, 40's braided headband is the one, which can be easily done at home. All you need to do is to curl your hair and make some retro braids afters that.

Where to win money

It would be almost impossible to find someone, who has never played gambling games. In fact, the majority of us played some casino games at least once in life. There is no reason to deny that it is an exiting way to spend your free time. The emotions you feel when you make a bet and wait for the results cannot be compared with any other. It includes excitement and a huge desire to win. In addition, when you win a fortune you can say that you are the luckiest person on the planet.
 These days, there are many places where you can play casino games. Of course, you can go to the local casino. However, if you want to play gambling games in the comfort of your house, online casino is exactly what you need. In fact, it is the only way to play your favorite games straight from your home, in the peaceful atmosphere. It is also an exiting opportunity to visit casino at any time, because there are no strict working hours.   It is also important to mention the variety of games is really huge in online casinos. That means that you can play the games you like and get some experience with new ones.  

Saturday, February 16, 2013

60's Edie Sedgwick iconic makeup

It is not a secret that Edie Sedgwick was one of the iconic blondies of 20th century. That way it is not surprising that the vintage style has remained fashionable till today. Actually, the makeup inludes all fashion trends of 60's style, what means accented eyes and a lot of mascara.

The best accessory for a fasionable look

As a matter of fact, there are not many people, who would not want to look fashionable these days. In contrast, the vast majority of us aim to look as attractive as possible. It is not surprising at all, because stylish look makes us feel better and leaves a positive impression on other people. This is why it is so important to pay attention to every detail when you are combining your outfit for evening, going out or any other occasion. In fact, it is also essential to remember that accessories play a key role in every outfit as they can accent the best parts of your appearance. For example, stylish rings, bracelet or other jewelry is a must-have thing when you wear an evening dress.
However, if you want to look extremely fashionable and unique, coloured contact lenses are right what you need. The accessory has become really popular these days, because it helps to create an unusual, but very stylish look. For instance, if you want to change the color of your eyes, 3 tone lenses can help you to do it. What is more, UV lenses are good when you plan to party in a club and shock your friends, because they glow under UV light, what makes a little bit shocking effect.