Tuesday, September 27, 2011

30's vintage hairstyles

The vintage hairstyles of the 30's are commonly recognized as one of the most elegant and stylish. It was really fashionable to have a short curled hair at that time. It is also important to mention that the whole vintage look was ussually completed with a hat.

Pin up dresses

The 50's clothing is one well-known because of it's famous pinup and swing dresses. It is really sipmle to recognize them, because they have wide skirt and v-necked top. Actually, they looks truly stunning with a rackabily hairstyle and the classic vintage makeup.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

40's victory roll hairstyle

The 40's fashion would be totally incomlete without their famous roll hairstyle. Actually, I have to admit that it is not so easy to create it by yourself as it requers some skills and patience. However, the victory roll hairstyle looks really stunning and it creates a real 40's vintage look.

Creating a pin up makeup

If you want to create a retro look, the pin up style is right what you need. In fact, the vintage dress, right makeup and rockabily hairstyle will definately help you to achieve the aim. It is important to remember that the typical pin up makeup includes both eyelines and bright red lips.

50's vintage fashion

There are plenty of women fascinated with the 50's fashion. It is not surprisingly, because the vintage clothes of that period are really elegant and glamorous. That way wearing a 50's dress designed in the pencil style or a dress with a swing skirt can help you to create a typical vintage look.

60's Twiggy inspired makeup

Perhaps the first person that comes in mind while thinking about the 60's fashion is Twiggy. This trendsetter is well-known because of her unique dressing style, hairstyle and makeup. Actually, the makeup is really fascinating as the double eyeliner emhasizes the eyes really well.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

70's mini skirts fashion

It is not a secret that the mini skirt gain their popularity in 60's. Actually, they stay really fashionable till our times. There are a lot of different styles of the mini skirts nowadays, but I have to admit that they have not changed much from the vintage times.